I emailed the following questions to Mary Birch, the hospital I am supposed to deliver at. some of them I am really concerned about, other's I just asked to see if they would or how they would answer them. I will keep you posted. Here they are
What is the rate of caesarian births?
What is the rate of inductions via pitocin?
Is constant fetal monitoring required?
What percentage of mother's give birth unmedicated?
Are doctor's and nurse's receptive to unmedicated births?
Are iv's necessary or can I have a hep lock?
Am I able to wear my own birth gown or must I wear a hospital gown?
Is the treatment of the newborn able to be delayed for the first hour to allow for bonding with parents prior to being given eye ointment and vitamin k shot?
Tuesday, August 4
Questions for Mary Birch
Posted by Mrs. West at 1:27 PM