So I watched the majority of the events leading up to the Michael Jackson tribute as well as most of the tribute itself. There are a few observations I would like to make. My first impression is that a lot of the people that were interviewed on their way into the memorial this morning (on KTLA) we very disrespectful in terms of the nature of the event. I understand that it was going to be a memorial the likes of which we have never seen. I also understand that it was part show and part memorial; my concern is that people were so "excited to see the show." This was a remembrance of a man's life and it deserves a certain bit of respect.
I also wonder how Michael Jackson, arguably one of the most private people in the world, would have felt about this huge spectacle?
Would it have been to much to ask for her to cover her boobies for a funeral?
Poor child! Was it just me or did this poor girl (who is adorable either way) look much darker at the memorial service? What did they do to those kids? Granted the kids might have looked really pale sitting next to the Jackson family, certainly more pale than they appeared when sitting next to their father but what did someone do to this child?
Who's idea was it exactly to parade this child out in front of the world? A child who had a father who refused to let her (or her siblings) be seen in the spotlight more than a handful of times in their short lives. His whole goal in life was to allow them to live normal childhoods. How was it a service to his memory to parade his child who he loved more than life itself in front of millions of people to share her pain. I am sure that anyone with half a brain could figure out that her father, her only parent, was the love of her life and that she is devastated and misses him. It seems like a shameless Joe Jackson stunt. What was with the grandmother holding (forcing?) the microphone in front of her face? Did Janet look upset (not like sad that her brother was dead but angry) that the poor girl was forced up on stage? It would be best for those children to be raised by Janet and Jermaine Dupre in my opinion.
Brooke Sheilds is my hero. I think that you could tell she was there purely out of love and loyalty to her good friend. I believe that she pretty much said fiddle sticks to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. I believe that she and Michael truly loved one another and if it hadn't been the 1980's and if his parents hadn't forbidden it the two of them might have tried to make a life together. I am sure her pain is immeasurable and I feel so sad for her.
WTF(iddlesticks) is up with these two? If there has ever been a more annoying, despicable, disastrous pair I have yet to be introduced to them. I can't imagine what good could come from the two of these people. I also wonder who told them that anyone would take the two of them seriously. Taken one on one they are hard to take seriously combined they are a tour de farce.
Regardless of all of the above I think that this event made me realize that Michael Jackson had more of an impact on my life than I thought possible and I will miss him.
In the words of Liza Minelli earlier today. "When the dust settles on this all hell will break loose" I simply pray that this family doesn't fall apart now that their anchor, the only one who had control over Joe, and the only one to really stay relevant is gone. G-D bless those babies.
Tuesday, July 7
Michael Jackson Memorial
Posted by Mrs. West at 9:03 PM